Resoline ferrous scrap cleaning line
Line for cleaning ferrous scrap from contaminants, impurities
Industry: ferrous metallurgy, recycling
Raw material: ferrous scrap
Size of feed material: 0-300 mm
Capacity: 10 t/h
Fractional composition of end products:
Мetal scrap: +100 mm;
Residues: 0-25 mm, 25-100 mm;
Ferrous scrap: up to 25 mm; 25-100 mm
Nonferrous scrap sorting
Obtaining commercial ferrous scrap
Project payback: less than 1 year
6 implemented projects
Commissioning: october 2022
Ferrous scrap recycling ensures getting high-quality steel at the lowest cost, however, the feedstock is often highly contaminated and cannot be used without cleaning as a furnace-ready metal charge in smelting steel or iron. The purity of ferrous metal is the main price factor in acceptance of ferrous scrap. Thus, the line for cleaning of scrap from earth, debris, dirt is optimal for installation at ferrous scrap collection and processing stations.
- Problem description:
Getting steel from magnetic ore is a labor-intensive and complex process, accompanied by significant financial expenses against the scarcity of natural resources. The use of recycled metal is a more cost-effective solution.
The main problem of steel production from ferrous scrap is in its general contamination with various inclusions, earth, and composition heterogeneity. The arrangement of scrap metal cleaning at ferrous scrap collection stations allows reducing the volume of transported raw materials, increasing the quality of scrap after cleaning and metal sorting.
The Customer received a simple and reliable solution with the best cost in the shortest possible time after contacting ERGA to solve his problem and based on the results of laboratory studies. Having its own development department and many years of experience in solving similar tasks, ERGA considered all the wishes of the Client.
- Automatic turnkey complex solution
ERGA accomplished a full range of services from design to installation and commissioning of the line for cleaning ferrous scrap from contaminants according to the Customer’s specifications.
The separators in the line are equipped with automatic cleaning system and provide recovery and cleaning of scrap, which is suitable for further melting in steel furnace. The entire process can be controlled by one operator with the control panel. Monitoring of critical points can be via video conferencing at the operator's site or remotely via Internet.
- Ferrous scrap recycling
In this project a simple principle of tumbling for cleaning ferrous scrap was applied, i.e. scrap cleans itself. Contaminated scrap is loaded into the trommel, where, due to its rotation, scrap falling from the height is cleaned from sand, dirt, and corrosion. In this case, fine inclusions fall into the trommel screen mesh, and the cleaned scrap is conveyed to the magnetic separator for separation of magnetic and non-magnetic material.
- Obtaining saleable ferrous scrap
After the stage of cleaning and magnetic separation, ferrous scrap is clean enough to be fed into the melting furnace or sold with scrap contamination not more than 5%.
- Operation in harsh conditions
When designing the line, the experience of deliveries for similar tasks was taken into account, because specifics of scrap cleaning work has such certain requirements as robustness, safety factor of assemblies, quick repairs, availability of replaceable linings. As a result, the Customer was satisfied with both the quality of the equipment and the result of scrap cleaning.
- Green and safe technologies
All line components have low power consumption and also help to reduce power consumption in further production of metals and other materials, increase recycling rate and return metals into production, reduce consumption of natural resources. The equipment is made in compliance with all safety requirements and standards: all the necessary fences, markings, well-thought-out ergonomics for operation and maintenance are ensured. All machines are equipped with emergency shutdown systems.
- Do you have a similar problem or haven’t found what you’re looking for?
Contact us in any convenient way and we will find the right solution for you.
ERGA has many years of experience in the implementation of ferrous scrap cleaning lines of various configurations depending on the task:
- In 2019 the project for cleaning ferrous scrap at ASR plant was implemented on one of the scrap yards. To solve this problem, ERGA specialists developed a special non-magnetic vibrating tray, feeding the scrap under ERGA DrumMag. This drum separator separates strongly magnetic metal from dirt and sand after shredding, and provides additional cleaning of metal from contaminants with its special ribs during transportation to the place of discharge.
Resoline ASR ferrous scrap cleaning line
- In 2016 the project for cleaning the soil from weakly magnetic and magnetic inclusions was implemented. A useful resulted product is alloyed steels. Application of high-intensity magnetic separator ERGA DrumMag ensures separation of steels with high content of manganese, weakly magnetic aggregates, separation of strongly magnetic fraction and waste rock.
- In 2013, the project for cleaning up an old scrap yard was implemented. To solve this problem, the following types of equipment were used as part of the line: trommel ERGA GB for cleaning coarse fractions from earth; vibrating screen ERGA VS for final cleaning of fine fraction; suspended magnetic separator ERGA SuspendMag A for separation of coarse strongly magnetic metal; drum magnetic separator ERGA DrumMag for separation of fine weakly magnetic fraction.
Resoline ASR ferrous scrap cleaning line