User Agreement

“ERGA” LLC (hereinafter "Company") collects and processes personal data on the website at (hereinafter "Site"), and the user of the Site (hereinafter "User") provides personal data on conditions in accordance with this agreement (hereinafter Agreement). Should you disagree with Agreement, do not use this Site.

1. General conditions

1.1. This Site and all rights related to the Site are owned by ERGA LLC (INN 4029003636).

1.2. Materials on this Site are available for informational purposes. In case of using materials from this Site (full or partial citation), a link to Site or Company name is mandatory.

1.3. The terms "ERGA", "Research and Production Company ERGA", used on the Site, refer to "ERGA" LLC unless otherwise specified by special context.

1.4. Any information about Company, its products and services, as well as any other information published on Site, is provided based on the data at Company disposal.

1.5. This Site and the software it uses are provided to Users "as is", without any express or implied warranties. The information contained on this Site is not exhaustive. Despite the Company's best efforts, it may be not accurate, out-of-date or not applicable in a particular situation.

1.6. Company has the right to make changes to any section of this Site without prior notice. It can also suspend operation of certain sections of Site or the whole Site at any time at its sole discretion. Availability of a specific type of product, possibility of providing services or performing work, as well as their cost must be agreed upon before starting cooperation.

2. Subject of Agreement

2.1. This agreement governs the procedure for collecting and processing personal data of Site Users in case of their registration on Site (filling out feedback forms, subscribing to news, etc.).

2.2. Personal data is collected only after the User joins this Agreement. The user provides personal data only voluntarily and in his/her own interests.

2.3. Observance of confidentiality regarding personal data is ensured from the moment these data are submitted by the person to whom the data is referred to.

2.4. The personal data provided by the User are provided with appropriate security measures and used only to process User's requests on Company's Site.

2.5. Company analyzes traffic on its Site in order to understand Users’ demands and improve this Site based on them. For statistical purposes only anonymous, aggregated data are analyzed during web analysis.

3. Definition and content of personal data

3.1. User's personal data implies information about individual or legal entity, necessary for provision of more detailed information about Company products and services, as well as for provision of services by Contractor.

3.2. Content of Personal Data:

For individuals: full name, landline (mobile) phone number, email.

For legal entities: name of organization, legal address, full name of the contact person, landline (mobile) phone number, email.

4. Rights and obligations of Company

4.1. The company undertakes:

1) to collect personal data in the amount not exceeding the one required for provision of services and satisfying User's requests on Site;

2) not to transfer personal data to third party without User’s consent, except as otherwise provided by the legislation of the Republic of Turkey;

3) not to publish the received personal data, except for those in respect of which User has clearly expressed consent to publication;

4) to ensure protection of personal data from unlawful use or loss in the order established by the legislation of the Republic of Turkey.

5. Rights and obligations of User

5.1. The user undertakes:

1) to transfer only true personal data to Company;

2) not to use or transfer personal data of third party without their consent. When one User

provides personal data of several users, it is assumed that the User has necessary competences;

3) to notify about changes in personal data in cases when this may affect the performance of services by Company;

5.2. User has the right:

1) to demand the deletion or correction of the personal data. Personal data of User of the Company's Website is deleted at User’s request addressed at

2) to refuse to transfer personal data to Company.

6. Protection of personal data

6.1. For protection of User's personal data Company:

1) assigns specially authorized employees and procedure to personal data access;

2) does not allow transfer of personal data to third party without User’s consent.

7. Responsibility

7.1. Company is not responsible for unauthorized reposting of personal data, if Company has taken all measures in its power to ensure personal data protection, however, unauthorized access to personal data occurred as a result of illegal actions of third party (hacking, fishing) or vulnerabilities in the software.